Ric Pac Soe
Starting Simple
Ric Pac Soe is a combination of Rock Paper Scissors, Tic Tac Toe and a touch of Go. Making for a strategy game that anyone can pick up and play with confidence. This simplicity also allowed me to develop multiple AI opponents which can be differentiated both in dialogue and gameplay.
Surpassing Expectations
A moment every puzzle and strategy game strives for players to have is the moment of discovery. When the game’s mechanics or rules are revealed to be more open than the player thought. In most other games this is much harder to do due to their complex rules and mechanics. However this is where Ric Pac Soe has an advantage over other games, since the concept is relatively simple and I portray the game as such players’ expectations are lowered. Meaning surprising them with depth is not inly easier but much more impactful.
+ XP
AI development
Full Production and Post Production
The Secret Tech
The surprising rule most players never notice is that they can play on spaces they already own, either as a stall tactic or to lock in a space. This is never explicitly stated in game but Sou, (one of the AI opponents), is likely to do it given the opportunity. Illustrating my previous point, most players literally gasp in surprise upon learning this little trick. This in conjunction with a game so simple really taking a moment of concentration at times really helps to cement the game in players minds.